We are excited to bring to our Guests the new Suunto Vyper Lite dive computer. This air integrated optional dive computer is an excellent choice for new divers as well as those with dive experience under their belts. The Vyper Novo Lite has all the versatility that Suunto is known for. It comes as a wrist computer but can be added to a Suunto console mounted SPG to give hose-less air integration with the optional transmitter.

Optional wireless air integration
Integrated tilt-compensated 3D digital compass
Gas-switching between up to three gases (Oxygen up to 99 %)
Full continuous decompression algorithm – Suunto RGBM
Five modes: air, nitrox, gauge, free diving and off
Innovative apnea timer for free diving, and a timer in air/nitrox modes
Built-in dive planner
The Suunto Vyper Love is available is both Graphite or White. You can order a Suunto CB-One (My Flex Hose and pressure Gauge SS005240300) and add the Zoop Novo/Vyper Novo Boot for the CB combo (SS021768000) and you will now have a Pressure gauge / Vyper Novo Combo providing if you do not want to do hose-less air integration.
The Suunto Vyper Novo Lite is functional, feature packed, versatile and easy to use! Come and see them for yourself at The Dive Place!
Let us show you the adventure of your life!