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Update 28 October. Big News Coming!

We are now several steps closer to opening the new location. We have signed some of the paperwork and now are just waiting for the final lease and then the cleanup on the new location.

Very soon - once the final paperwork is in out hands - we will be sharing with everyone our new location and reopening date.

We are extremely excited that we are at this stage and just about there. It has been a long and difficult road to get here.

Once we have the final peperwork we will be moving ahead at warp speed to have the new location ready. With that being said we are planning on doing it in a couple of phases.

Phase one - We will move the compressor, bank tanks, oxygen tanks, rental equipment into the new location first. This way we can get back to doing fills and renting equipment

Phase two - Painting and installing display fixtures, counters, monitors and computers into the new retail area so we will be ready for business.

Phase three - Stocking the store with products and officially launching our new home.

It has certainly taken a few minutes to get this all underway and we all appreciate your patience and support during this transition. The long wait for the final information is almost over.

We all can't wait to see you all again.

The Dive Place Crew.

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