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A Update With The Move.

It's been a while since we have made any updates about the move. So here we go! We were supposed to move into a new location in October. We had planned to be up and operational intime for our "Annual Halloween Event". The new landlord kept dragging his feet because other properties were receiving his full attention due to Hurricane damage.

The projected move in date was then going to be in time for Black Friday. The broker kept pushing the landlord complete the lease and have us move in. Days turned into weeks which inturn turned into a month. Then we were looking at mid December. Now the Landlords lawyer had been fired and he was waiting to hire a replacement. Still no lease and no Christmas season sales.

Mid January we recieve a "version" of the lease that was not what we agreed to in the original Letter of Intent. We were looking for either a March or at the latest April opening in tiem for season. All of a sudden 5 days ago the Landlord wanted us to move in February 1st. As you all know January, February and most of March are the slowest months of the year for the dive industry. We said no. We stick to the original idea of March or April. The Landlord decided to go against the original Letter of Intent and stick with February.

We decided to decline and walk away from that particular property. Despite it being a perfect location with high visibility it was just not feasabel to continue with that location. The property has sat vacant for 18 months. Both the Broker and us are baffled as to rush that we were given a 2 week deadline.

We are continuing to work with the Broker to secure a new location as soon as we can. We have 2 properties we will be visiting in the next couple of days. As disappointing as it was to have wasted 3 months being jacked about waiting we look at it as "what else would we have to deal with at this property"?

We are being a litttle picky with the new location as we want to make sure it has good visibility and not hidden away as was the Roper location. We will keep everyone updated as soon as we look and find a new location. We appreciate the support and patience from everyone that has reached out to us.

The Dive Place Crew.

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